Page 426 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 426
406 INDEX.
Granite Creek, East Fork of, carbonated Iron, source of, in water..................... 17
springs on, description of........ 240 Iron Springs, descriptions of............... 312-313
Grant Spring, description of................. 212 Isham Springs, description of.............. 311,312
Grapevine Springs, description of.......... 339-340
Graves Spring, description of.............. 353-354 J.
Great Springs, description of.............. 328-329 Jackson Valley Mineral Springs, description
Great Central Valley, description of......... 11-12 of............................... 176
Grizzly Springs, description of............. 193-194 Jackson Valley Mud Springs, description of. 176-177
plate showing........................... 242 plate showing........................... 242
Grovers Hot Springs, description of.......... 131 Jacksons Napa Soda Springs, description
of............................. 155-156
Jacumba Springs, description of............. ^5
Haiwee, springs near, description of......... 339 Jones Hot Springs, description of............. 103
Halloran Springs, description of............. 344 Jordan Hot Springs, description of........... 53-54
Harbin Springs, description of............... 93-95 K.
plate showing........................... 92
Hardness of water, nature of................. 23 Kane Spring (Imperial County) description
Harlem Hot Spring, description of.......... 35,36 of............................... 304
Hayvilla Sulphur Spring, description of..... 268 Kane Springs (Kern County), description of.. 340
Hazel Hill, carbonated springs at, description Keane Spring, description of................. 343
Keller Soda Spring, description of............ 217
of............................... 173
Hazel Springs, description of................ 202 Kelly s Hot Spring, description of........... 118-119
plate showing...........................
Heath Soda Springs, description of.......... 232 Kelseyville, carbonated wells at, description
Helms Soda Springs, description of.......... 216 of............................... 181
Henderson Spring, description of............ 335 Kentucky Springs, description of............ 353
Hensley Spring, description of............. 266-267 Kern County, list of springs in.............. 376-377
Highland Springs, description of........... 183-185 Kern Biver, North Fork of, cartonated-
Highrock Spring, description of.............. 128 spring near, description of...... 244-245
Hillydale Sulphur Spring, description of.... 271-272 Kernville, hot springs near, description of.... 50
Hines Spring, description of................. 321 Kessler onyx marble quarry, salt springs
Hinns Sulphur Spring, description of......... 272
near, description of.............. 301
Hoaglin, sulphur spring near, description of.. 260 Kessler Springs (San Luis Obispo County),
Hoods Hot Springs, description of........... 82 description of.................. 164-165
Hopland, artesian spring near, description of. 323 Kessler Springs (San Bernardino County),
Hoppins Springs, description of............. 201 description of.................... 344
Horse Lake Valley, artesian springs in, Keystone Spring, description of............. 333
description of................... 326
Kinsner Soda Spring, description of........ 174-175
Hot Creek, hot springs on, description of.... 119 Klamath Hot Springs, description of....... 120-121
Hot Spring Valley, carbonated spring in, plate showing........................... 108
description of................... 227 Klamath Mountains, features of.............. 8
large cold springs in, description of....... 330 Klinefelter Springs, description of............ 345
Hot springs, deposits near.................. 154-155 Koehn Springs, description of............... 340
descriptions of.......................... 32-151 Kosk Creek, hot springs on, description of.. 116-117
summary of....................... 151-155 Kruger Spring, description of................ 128
rocks surrounding....................... 154
Bough Springs, description of.........'.... 197-198
plate showing........................... 92 Lake County, list of springs in............. 377-379
Howard Springs, description of.............. 95-96 Lake Lahontan, analysis of dendritic tufa
plate showing........................... 92 from............................. 126.
Huer Huero Springs, description of........... 277 Lake Tahoe, iron springs near, description of. 313
Humboldt Artesian Mineral Well, descrip- water from, analysis of.................. 22
tion of......................... 308-309 Lakeside Mineral Wells, description of....... 305
Humboldt County, list of springs in.......... 374 La Mesa Spring, description of............... 350
Humbug Valley, carbonated spring in, de- Lambert Soda Springs, description of...... 237-238
scription of...................... 230 Landers Spring, description of...... .. ....... 336
Hydrogen sulphide, source of, in spring waters 20 Large cold springs, descriptions of.......... 326-333
Hydrogiobertite, deposit of................ 161-162 Las Graces Hot Springs, description of........ 68
Lassen County, list of springs in............ 379-380
Lassen Peak region, map of................. 140
Imperial County, list of springs in............ 374 Lava-covered region, description of........... 12
Indian Creek, carbonated springs on, descrip- Laytonville, sulphur spring near, descrip-
tion of......................... 228-229 tion of........................... 259
Indian Spring, description of................ 318 Leachs Springs, description of.............. 343-344
Indian Wells Springs, description of.......... 340 Le Conte Spring, description of............... 346
Inyo County, list of springs in............. 375-376 Lee Soda Spring, description of............... 182
Iodides, scarcity of, in spring waters.......... 19 Lithium, proportion of, in water............ 18