Page 425 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 425
INDEX. 405
Coso Hot Springs, description of........... 149-150 England Springs, description of............. 186
vapor vents west of, description of..... 150-151 Epsom Spring, description of................ 296
Cottonwood Creek, South Fork of, sulphur Eureka, sulphur spring in, description of.... 260
spring on, description of......... 267 F.
Cottonwood Spring (Inyo County), descrip-
tion of........................... 341 Fairview Hot Spring, description of......... 37
Cottonwood Spring (San Bernardino County), Fales Hot Springs, description of............ 132
description of.................... 316 Fall River, springs at head of, description of 326-327
Cottonwood Springs (Riverside County), de- Faults, distribution of....................... 14
scription of...................... 348 Feliz Creek, carbonated springs near, descrip-
Crabtree Springs, description of........... 103-107 tion of........................... 169
Cr(fok,J. K.,cited........................... 26 Felts Springs, description of................. 300
Crow Creek, sulphur spring on, description of. 271 Fern Spring, description of.................. 336
Crystal Spring (Napa County), description of. 357 Ferndale Springs, description of............. 208
Crystal Springs (Inyo County), description of. 339 Fetters Hot Springs, description of.......... 114
Cummings, sulphur springs near, description plate showing........................... 108
of............................... 230 Figtree Johns Springs, description of...... 314-315
Cushenbury Spring, description of......... 346-347 Fish in spring waters........................ 137
Fish Springs (Imperial County), description
D. of............................... 315
Fish Springs (Inyo County), description of.. 322
Dante Springs, description of................ 344
Davis Spring, description of................. 352 Fish Valley, carbonated spring in, descrip-
tion of........................... 239
Daylight Spring, description of............ 342-343 hot springs at head of, description of..... 56
Deadmans Holes, description of............. 303 Florence Spring, description of.............. 232
Deadshot Springs, description of............ 195 Foerster Peak, carbonated spring near, de-
Death Valley, location of.................... 14 scription of...................... 241
Deep Creek, sulphur springs on branch of, de- Fountain Spring, description of....:........ 336
scription of.................... 258-259
Deep Springs, description of.................. 322 Fouts Springs, description of.............. 205-207
sulphur springs near, description of....... 267
Deerlick Springs, description of............ 261-263 Franz Valley, sulphur springs in, description
Deer Park Springs, description of.......... 232-233 of................'............--. 258
Delonegha Springs, description of............ 51 Freeman Springs, description of............. 340
plate showing........................... 50
Deluz Warm Springs, description of......... 47-48 Fresno County, list of springs in........... 373-374
Fresno Hot Springs, description of...........
Democrat Springs, description of............ 51-52 Frink Springs, description of................ 348
Devils Kitchen, description of............. 141-142 Furnace Creek ranch, salt springs near, de-
Dinsmore Soda Spring, description of........ 196 scription of...................... 302
Dolans Hot Spring, description of........... ' 57
Dos Palmas Springs, description of.......... 315 G.
Doyle Soda Springs, description of........... 242 Qaillaumes Soda Springs, description of...... 162
Drake Hot Springs, description of......... 142-143 Qarcia River, carbonated springs on, descrip-
Duncan Springs, description of............ 167-168 tion of......................... 170-171
E. Garlic Spring, description of................. 303
Garretson Soda Springs, description of..... 216-217
Eagle Lake, artesian springs near, descrip- Geary Spring, description of................. 335
tion of........................... 326 Gerber ranch, large cold springs on, descrip-
Eden Hot Springs, description of............ 37 tion of......................... 329-330
Eel River, sulphur spring near branch of, de- Geyser (Plumas County), description of... 143-144
scription of...................... 259 plate showing........................... 50
El Pajaro Springs, description of.......... 274-276 Geysers (Sonoma County), description of.... 83-88
Elder Creek, North Fork of, salt springs on, plate showing........................... 140
description of.................... 299 Gifford Springs, description of............. 357-358
Eldorado County, list of springs in.......... 373 Gilroy Hot Spring, description of............ 79-80
Electric spring water, explanation of...... 171-172 Glacier Spring, description of................ 333
Elgin Mine, hot springs at, description of.. 104-106 Glen Alpine Springs (Eldorado County), de-
El Qranito Spring, description of............ 350 scription of.................... 236-237
Elizabeth Lake Canyon, warm springs in, de- Glen Alpine Springs (Lake County), descrip-
scription of..........................66 tion of ........................... 182
Elk Creek, salt springs near, description of... 299 Glen Ivy Hot Springs, description of......... 42
Elsinore Hot Springs, description of......... 42,43 Glenn County, list of springs in.............. 374
El Toro Spring (Marin County), description Glennville, sulphur springs near, description >
of............................. 255-256 Of............................... 286
Emigrant Spring, description of............. 341 Gobbis Soda Spring, description of.......... 173
Encino ranch, carbonated springs on, de- Goodman, Gertrude E., acknowledgments to 29
scription of.................... 246-247 Gordon Hot Spring, description of........... 93