Page 421 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 421
6 200 Hotel, cottages, clubhouse, swimming
Stage from Hopland. . ........... 5 50 Dining hall, cottages, tents.
11 75 Hotel, cottages.
6 100 Do.
Outfit or stage from Red Bluff . . . 53 Camping resort.
Bus from Murrieta. ............. 4 75 Hotel, clubhouse.
Rail from Portersville to Spring- 18+15 50 Hotel, cottages (mountain resort).
ville; thence by saddlehorse.
4 Newsoms Arroyo Grande 2J 30 Hotel, cottages, swimming pool.
2 Warm Spring.
5 25 Hotel, tents.
25 Sanitarium.
Near Boyes Station............. 20 Hotel.
20 50 Do. Stage from Ukiah. .............. 16 50 Hotel, cottages, pavilion, swimming
ji pool.
Stage from Palm Springs Station. 6 10 Cottages.
8 200 Hotel, cottages, pavilion, swimming
Bus from Paso Robles depot. .... 250 Hotel, swimming pool.
Outfit from Willitts ............. 40 Camping resort. 60 50 Hotel, cottages.
4 50 Sanitarium.
Reds Meadows Hot Springs... 65 Camping resort.
Stage from Chico. ............... 12 150 Hotel, cottages.
Ritchey Hot Springs. ......... Riverside ............. 2i 25 Hotel.
12 50 Do.
St. Helena White Sulphur XTana 2 25 Dining hall, cottages.
Salmon Creek Mineral Springs. Outfit from Willitts. ............ 12 Camping resort.
Samuel Soda Springs .......... Napa....... ........... 22 75 Hotel, cottages.
6 100 Do.
San Juan Capistrano Hot Stage from San Juan Capistrano. . 13 50 May to September .... Hotel, tents.
Stage or train from San Luis 8 150 Hotel, cottages.
Outfit from Santa Barbara ...... 20 Camping resort.
Near Santa Fe Springs station. . . 1 10 Hotel.
22 250 Hotel, cottages, clubhouse. 30 150 Hotel, cottages, swimming pool.
Outfit from Fillmore ............ 22 Camping resort.
Near Shasta Springs station. .... 1 150 May to September .... Hotel, cottages, clubhouse, swimming
9 100 Hotel, cottages.
Stage from Hopland..... . ....... 28 150 Hotel, cottages, clubhouse.
Sulphur Mountain Springs .... 6 150 May to September .... Dining hall, cottages, tents.
50 75 May 1 to Oct. 15...... Hotel, tents, pavilion.
Stage from Cloverdale or from 18 or 15 75 Hotel, cottages, pavilion.