Page 423 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 423
A. B.
Adams Springs, description of............. 189-190 Bailey Creek, artesian springs near, descrip-
Mtaa Springs, description of.............. 156-159 tion of........................... 326
Ager, large cold springs near, description of... 331 Baker Mineral Spring, description of....... 173-174
Agnew Meadows, carbonated spring at head Baker Soda Spring, description of........... 193
Of................................ 238 Baldwin Lake, warm spring at, description of 35
Agua Caliente Springs (San Diego County), Banes Soda Springs, description of.......... 215
description of.................... 46 JBanner Spring, description of................ 337
Agua Caliente Springs (Sonoma County), de- Banta Spring, description of................. 355
scription of.................... 113-114 Barrel Springs, description of................ 338
Agua Dulce Springs, description of.......... 314 Bartlett Springs, description of............ 200-201
Agua Tibia Springs, description of........... 47 plate showing........................... 200
Aqua Vitse Mineral Well, description of..... 306 Bassett Hot Spring, description of........... ' 117
Alameda County, list of springs in........... 372 Battle Creek Meadows, sulphur spring near
Alamo Bonito Springs, description of........ 314 head of, description of........... 283
Alder Springs, description of............:.... 359 Bear Creek, carbonated spring on, descrip-
Alder Glen Springs, description of......... 166-167 tion of........................... 203
Algae at Tassajara Hot Springs, description of. 59-60 Bear River, sulphur spring on, description
varieties of, in springs................... 20-21 of.............................. 284-285
Alhambra Springs, description of.......... 293-294 Beaver Creek, carbonated spring on, descrip-
Alkaline waters, value of.................... 27 tion of........................... 217
Alkalinity, grades of......................... 23 Bell Canyon, sulphur springs near, descrip-
Alien Springs, description of............... 198-199 tion of........................... 281
Alpine County, spring in.................... 372 Bennetts Wells, description of............... 342
Alturas, artesian spring near, description of. 323-324 Ben ton Hot Spring, description of........... 136
Alum Rock Park Springs, description of.... 208-212 B eregin, source of, in spring waters.......... 20
Alum Spring, description of................. 197 Bertrand ranch springs, description of....... 322
Aluminum, source of, in water............... 17 Bidwell Creek, hot springs on, description of 121-122
Amedee Hot Springs, description of......... 127 Big Basin, carbonated spring in, description
American "River, Middle Fork of, sulphur of................................ 175
spring on, description of......... 285 Big Bend Hot Springs, description of...... 115-116
North Fork of, salt springs on, descrip- Big Clipper Springs, description of........... 329
tion of........................... 300 Big Meadows, large cold springs in, descrip-
' sulphur spring near, description of....... 285 tion of......................... 330-331
Ammonium radicle, scarcity of, in spring Bimini Hot Spring, description of........... 71,72
waters........................... 19 Bishop, hot spring near, description of....... 148
Analyses, conversion of...................... 29-30 Bitter Spring, description of................. 303
sources of................................ 28-29 Black Spring, description of................. 335
Analysis of water, methods of................ 15-16 Black Lake Springs, description of........ 336-337
Anderson, Winslow, cited................... 26 Blackrock Spring, description of........... 320-321
Anderson Springs, description of............. 89-91 Blancks Hot Springs, description of......... 104
Antelope Valley, salt spring near, descrip- Blaney Meadows Hot Springs, description of. 54-55
tion of........................... 301 Blind Spring, description of................. 323
Arab Spring, description of.................. 339 Blodgett Magic Spring, description of...... 273,274
Arlington Springs, description of.......... 229-230 Blodgett Mineral Spring, description of.... 273-274
Arrowhead Hot Springs, analyses of......... 34 Blue Lakes, sulphur spring near, description
description of......................... 32-33,35 of................................ 268
plate showing........................... 32 Bodflsh Creek, sulphur spring on, descrip-
Arsenate, scarcity of, in spring waters....... 19 ti6nof......................... 272-273
Artesian springs, descriptions of........... 313-326 Bodie, warm springs near, description of... 135-136
Astorg Spring, description of.............. 188-189 Boiling point of water, relation of, to pressure
Azule Mineral Spring, description of....... 212-214 and elevation.................... 25