Page 427 - 1915, Springs of CA.
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INDEX.                         407

     Little Blackrock Spring, description of.......  321  Mission Creek, sulphur spring on, description
      Little Bogus Creek, carbonated springs near,  of...............................  276
             description of.................. 217-218  Modoc County, list of springs in.............  383
      Little Geysers, description of................ 88-89  Mohave Desert, location of..................   14
      Little  Hot  Spring  Valley,  hot  springs  in,  Monache  Meadows,  carbonated  springs  in,
             description of....................  118  description of....................  246
     Little  Lake,  warm spring  near,  description  Mono Basin Warm Springs, description of..  145-146
             of............................. 148-149  Mono County, list of springs in..............  384
     Little  Shasta  River,  carbonated  spring  on,  Montague, large cold spring near, description
             description of....................  219  of............................. 331-332
        large cold springs near, description of.....  331  Montecito Hot Springs, description of....... 66-67
     Little  Sulphur  Creek,  carbonated  spring  Monte Cristo Spring, description of..........  347
             near, description of..............  166  Monterey County, list of springs in........  384-385
        sulphur spring near, description of.......  258  Moran Spring, description of................  337
     Little Sur River, North Fork of, hot springs  Morgan Hot Springs, description of....  138-139,142
             on, description of................   57  Morion Soda Spring, description of..........  204
     Lloyd  Meadows,  carbonated  spring  in,  de-   Moss Spring, description of..................  335
             scription of......................  244  Mount  Hannah,  springs  at base  of,  descrip-
      Lone Willow Spring, description of......... 341-342  tion of...........................  358
     Long Valley, warm springs in, description of.  147-148   Mount Ida Spring, description of.......... 230-231
     Long Valley Creek, carbonated springs near,  Mount Shasta, hot springs on, description of..  144
             description of..................  175,176  large cold springs on, description of....  332-333
     Los Angeles County, list of springs in.........  380  Mountain Spring, description of.............  349
     Los Guilicos Warm Springs, description of..   114   Mountain View Spring, description of.....  260-261
     Lyons Spring (Ventura County), description  Mountaineer  Creek, carbonated  spring  near,
             of...............................  278  description of....................  244
     Lyons  Springs  (Lake  County),  description  Mud Creek, large cold springs at head of, de-
             of............................. 358-359  scription of......................  332
     Lytle Canyon, warm spring in, description of.   35   Mud  Spring  (Alameda  County),  description
      Lytton Springs, description of.............  165-166  of........!......................  355
                    M.                Mud Spring (Tehama County), description of   335
                                      Mud  Spring,  Jackson  Valley  (Mendocino
     Me Alester ranch, springs on, description of...  355   County), description of........  176-177
     MeCain Springs, description of...............  248  Mud Volcanoes, description of............... 41-42
     McCloud, large cold springs near, description  Muir Springs, description of.................  259
             of...............................  332
     McDowell Spr-ings, description of...........  168-169  Mule Springs, description of.................  348
     'McEwan  ranch,  warm  springs  on,  descrip-   Murrietta Hot Springs, description of........   44
             tion of......................... 114-115  N.
     MeLear Sulphur Spring, description of.....  283-284
     Madera County, list  of  springs in............  381  Napa County, list of springs in..............  385
     Madrono Spring, description of............ 214,215  Napa Rock Soda Springs, description of......  161
     Magnesia Spring, description of............ 247-248  Napa Vichy Spring, description of...........  255
     Magnesic Springs, descriptions of........... 309-312  Neills Hot Spring, description of............   51
     Magnesium, source of, in water...............   17  Nelson Soda Springs, description of........  243-244
     Manzanita mining property, hot springs on,  plate showing...........................   242
             description of....................  104  Nevada County, spring in...................   385
     Marble Hot Wells, description of.......... 128-129  Newberry Spring, description of.............   317
     Marin County, list of springs in..............  381  Newman Springs, description of.............   202
     Mariposa County, list of springs in...........  381  Newsoms  Arroyo  Grande Warm  Spring, de-
     Mark West Warm Springs, description of....  115  scription of...................... 68-69
     Martin Soda Spring, description of......... 219-220  Neys Springs, description of...............  264-265
     Mason ranch springs, description of..........  349  Nitrate radicle, scarcity of, in spring waters...   19
     Matilija Canyon, sulphur  spring in, descrip-   Nordhoff,  sulphur  spring  near,  description
             tion of...........................  278  of............................. 278-279
     Matilija Hot  Springs, description of......... 63-64  Nuvida Spring, description of............. 311-312
     Mayhew Spring, description of..........!..  270-271  O.
     Mendenhall, W. C., introduction by.........  5-6
      Mendenhall Springs, description of........  309-310  Oasis, artesian springs at, description of......  322
     Mendocino County, list of springs in....... 381-383  Ocean water, analysis of....................   22
     Mercey Hot Springs, description of..........  78-79  O'DonnelTs Springs, description of..........  256
     Merrill, George P., cited......... 134 (footnote), 165  Odor in spring waters, source of.............   23
     Mesquite Spring, description of..............  346  Ohms Spring, description of.................  113
      Mill Camp Springs, description of............  348  Oil Spring, description of....................  194
     Minaret  Creek,  carbonated  spring  on,  de-   Old Woman Springs, description of..........  316
             scription of......................  238  Olive Spring, description of....".............  272
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