Page 429 - 1915, Springs of CA.
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INDEX.                         409

     Santa Barbara Springs, description of..... 295-296  Southeastern desert region, description of....  13-14
     Santa Clara County, list of springs in........  391  Spanish Creek (Plumas County), carbonated
     Santa Cruz County, list of springs in.........  392  springs on, description of...... 227-228
     Santa Fe Springs, description of........... 282-283  Spanish Spring (Lassen County), description
     Santa Susana Mountains,  sulphur spring  in,  of................................   325
            description of...................  280  Spiers Springs, description of.............. 190-191
     Santa Ysabel Springs, description of.........  76-77  Springs, classes of............................ 30-31
     Saragossa Spring, description of.............  347  order of discussion of.................... 31-32
     Saratoga Springs (Lake County),  description  resorts at, table of..................... 399-402
            of.............................  179-180  table of, by counties...................  372-398
     Saratoga  Springs  (San  Bernardino County;,  Stabler, Herman, acknowledgments to......   29
            description of.................  137-138  Staininger ranch springs, description of......  342
     Scott Creek, carbonated spring in canyon of,  Stanislaus County, list of springs in..........  395
            description of...................  182  State Home at Eldridge, warm springs of, de-
     Scotty Springs, description of...............  338  scription of......................  114
     Searles Spring, description of................  340  Still ranch, springs on, description of........  355
     Secret Springs, description of................  325  Stingleys Hot Springs, description of........   63
     Seelys Spring, description of.................  321  Stonebreaker Hot Springs, description of..  117-118
     Seigler Springs, description of............... 96-98  String Meadows, spring hear, description of..  338
     Sellicks Springs, description of..............  324  Sulphates, source of, in water................   18
     Sereno Creek, carbonated spring near, descrip-   Sulphides, source of, in water................   18
            tion of..........................  232  Sulphur Bank, hot springs at, description of.  98-99
     Serpentine  areas,  relation  of  springs  to,  de-   Sulphur Creek, sulphur spring near,  descrip-
            scription of......................  203  tion of...........................  258
     Sespe Hot Springs, description of............   66  Sulphur  Meadows,  sulphur  spring  in,  de-
     Shafler Hot Springs, description of........  124-126  scription of......................  286
     Shasta County, list of springs in........... 392-393  Sulphur Mountain Springs, description of..  279-280
     Shasta Springs, description of............. 220-221  Sulphur springs, descriptions of........... 253-286
     Shasta  Valley,  artesian  springs  in,  descrip-   description of, summary of............ 286-289
            tion of..........................  323  Sulphur Valley,  sulphur springs in, descrip-
     Sheep Springs, description of................  325  tion of...........................  268
     Shinns Peak, artesian  springs  near,  descrip-   Sulphureted water, definition of.............   23
            tion of..........................  325  value of.........................'........   27
     Shoemaker  Dell,  carbonated  springs  at,  de-   Summit Diggings, springs at, description of.  340
            scription of.....................  173  Summit Soda Springs, description of......  231-232
     Sierra County, list of springs in..............  393  Sunset Spring, description of................  348
     Sierra Nevada, description of................ 12-13  Surprise Spring, description of...............  346
     Sierran  Mountains,  approach  of,  to  Coast  Surprise  Valley,  hot  springs  in,  description
            Ranges.......................... 10-11  of............................. 121-124
     Silica, source of, in water....................   17  Sweet Springs, description of.............. 310-311
     Singleys Soda Spring, description of.........  171
     Siskiyou County, list of springs in......... 393-394  T.
     Sisson, large cold springs near, description of.  332   Table Rock Spring, description of..........."  219
     Sites, salt spring near, description of.......  298-299  Tabulated data, explanation of..............  371
     Skaggs Hot Springs, description of.......... 81-82  Tamalpais Mineral Well, description of....  307-308
     Slates Hot Springs, description of........... 56-^57  Tartarus Lake, description of................  143
     Smoke Creek,  artesian springs near,  descrip-   Tassajara Hot Springs, description of........ 57-60
            tion of..........................  325  Taylor Sulphur Spring, description of.....  256-257
     Snider ranch, carbonated spring" on, descrip-   Tecopa, hot springs near, description of......  137
            tion of..........................  175  Tehama County, list of springs in ...........  396
     Soda Bar, carbonated springs at, description  Temblor ranch, springs on, description of....  354
            of...............................  217  Temperature of spring waters, causes of......  24-26
     Soda Bay Springs, description of ..........  191-192  Texas Springs, .description of................  320
     Soda  Creek  (Shasta  County),  carbonated  Thermal waters, physiological effects of......   28
            spring on, description of.........  225  Thompson Spring, description of..........  354-355
     Soda  Creek  (Tulare  County),  carbonated  Three Springs, description of................  338
            spring on, description of.........  243  Tiptons Springs, description of............ 324-325
     Soda Spring Flat, carbonated springs in, de-   Tolenas Springs, description of............  162-163
            scription of......................  239  Tomaso Springs, description of..............  344
     Soda Springs (Imperial County), description  Toro Springs (Riverside County), description
            of...............................  303  of...............................   314
     Sodium, source of, in water.................  17-18  Travelers  Home,  carbonated  springs  at,  de-
     Solano County, list of springs in.............  394  scription of......................  174
     Sonoma County, list of springs in.......... 394-395  Travertine, deposits of................. 133-135,136
     Soupan Hot Springs, description of..........  141  deposits of, plate showing...............  134
        carbonated spring north of, description of.  227  Trinity County, list of springs in ............  396
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