Page 430 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 430
410 INDEX.
Trinity River, Stewarts Fork of, salt springs Walters Mineral Springs, description of...... 159
on, description of................ 299 Warm Spring Valley, warm spring in, de-
Tucker ranch, sulphur spring on, description scription of.................... 119-120
of............................... 281 Warm Springs, description of................ 80
Tufa, dendritic, analysis of.................. 126 Warmcastle Soda Springs, description of..... 223
dendritic, plate showing................. 124 Warner Hot Springs, description of.......... 45-46
Tulare County, list of springs in........... 396-397 Warrens Ranch Springs, description of...... 347
Tulare Lake, character of.................... 11 Waterman Hot Springs, description of.... 33,34,35
Tule River, Middle Fork of, carbonated spring Water, mineral, classification of............; 25-26
on (Tulare County), description mineral, properties of.................... 22-24
of................................ 242 use of term.......................... 15
South Fork of Middle Fork of, carbonated pure, use of term........................ 15
spring on (Tulare County), de- substances in, source and amount of..... 17-21
scription of.................... 242-243 therapeutic value of..................... 26-28
Tule River Soda Spring (Tulare County), de- Water Station Springs, description of........ 341
scription of...................... 244 Watts, W. L., cited....................... 220-221
Tule Springs (Inyo County), description of.. 342 Weed, W. H., cited, on algae in springs...... 20-21
Tuolumne County, springs in................ 397 Weldon Valley, carbonated spring in, descrip-
Tuscan Springs, description of............. 289-291 tion of........................... 246
plate showing........................... 200 Wendling, carbonated springs near, descrip-
Twenty-nine Palms Springs, description of.. 316 tion of........................... 173
Twin Springs, description of................. 224 Wentworth Springs, description of........ 235-236
Wheelers Hot Springs, description of........ 64-66
White ranch, carbonated spring on, descrip-
Upper Funston Meadow, carbonated spring tion of........................... 175
in, description of................ 245 Wilbur Hot Springs, description of..... 99-103,105
Upper Lake, carbonated wells near, descrip- plate showing............................ 32
tion of......................... 180,181 Wild R ose Spring, description of............ 341
Upper Soda Spring, description of........... 223 Wiley ranch, carbonated springs on, descrip-
Urbita Hot Springs, description of........... 36-37 tion of........................... 198
V. Williams Hot Springs, description of........ 52
Willits, carbonated springs near, description
Vallecito Springs, description of............. 349 of................................ 175
Vallejo White Sulphur Spring, description of. 255 Willow Spring (south of Portersville), de-
Valley Spring (San Bernardino County), de- scription of....................... 336
scription of...................... 302 Willow Springs (near Rosamond), description
Valley Springs (Calaveras County), descrip- of............................. 318-319
tion of......................... 300-301 Witter Medical Springs, description of..... 177-179
Ventura County, list of springs in.......... 397-398
Veronica Springs, description of....... 294-295,296 Y.
Veterans' Home, springs at, description of... 356 Yankee Spring, description of............... 336
Vichy Springs, description of.............. 171-173 Yosemite Valley, iron springs in. descripton
Vickers Hot Springs, description of.......... 62-63
Of............................. 312-313
Victorville, spring near, description of....... 345 Yuba River, South Fork of, sulphur springs
Vontrigger Spring, description of............ 345
near, description of.............. 284
W. Yuha Spring, description of................. 304
Wall Springs, description of............... 257-258 Z.
Walnut Creek, sulphur springs near, descrip-
tion of........................... 270 Zem Zem Spring, description of............. 268