Page 424 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 424
Bonanza Springs, description of............. 190 Carbonate^ springs, descriptions of........ 155-248
Boonville, carbonated spring near, descrip- descriptions of, summary of........... 248-253
tion of...................*........ 171 Carbonated water, definition of.............. 23
Borate radicle, scarcity of, in spring waters.. 19 value of................................. 27
Borego Spring, description of................ 349 Carbonates, source of,in water.............. 18
Boric acid, indication from, in spring waters. 19 Carlsbad Springs, description of........... 187-188
Bottle Spring, description of................. 334 Carrizo Plain, sulphur spring in, description
Box Spring, description of................... 352 of............................... 277
Box S Spring, description of................. 346 Carrizo Springs, description of............... 349
Boyd Spring, description of.................. 124 Casa Diablo Hot Pool, description of........ 147
Boyes Hot Springs, description of.......... 112,113 Casa Diablo Hot Springs, description of.... 146-147
Bradley Spring, description of............. 350-351 plate showing........................... 140
Breeze Lake, carbonated spring near, de- hot spring northeast of, description of.... 147
scription of...................... 241 Castalian Mineral Water, description of.... 304-305
Bridgeport, hot springs near, description of. 133-135 Castle Crag Spring, description of.......... 224-225
Bridgeport, warm springs near, description Castle Creek, carbonated spring near, descrip-
Of.......................... 133,135-136 tion of........................... " 227
Brockway Hot Springs, description of....... 131 sulphur spring on, description of......... 266
Bromides, scarcity of, in spring waters....... 19 Castle Hot Springs, description of........... 91-93
Browns Creek, sulphur springs on, descrip- Castle Rock Springs, description .of........ 226-227
tion of........................... 264 Castle Springs, description Of................ 222
Buckeye Hot Spring, description of........ 132-133 Cave Spring (Siskiyou County), description of 224
Buckhorn Springs, description of.......... 317-318 Cave Springs (San Bernardino County), de-
Buckman Springs, description of............ 247 scription of ..................... 344
Bullion Mountains, sulphur springs near, de- Chalk Mountain, carbonated springs on, de-
scription of...................... 286 scription of.................... 196-197
Bumpass Hot Springs, description of.. 140-141,142 springs near, description of.............. 358
plate showing........................... 140 Chaparral Spring, description of............. 356
Bundys Elsinore Hot Spring, description of.. 43 Chatsworth, sulphur spring near, description
Burney Creek, large cold springs on, descrip- of............................... 281
tion of........................... 328 Chicken-soup water, nature of............... 20
Burton Mound, sulphur springs on, descrip- China ranch springs, description of.......... 343
tion of......................... 277-278 Chip Creek, carbonated springs on, descrip-
Butte County, list of springs in.............. 372 tion of.......................... 230
Bynum Spring, description of............. 182-183 Chlorides, source of, in water................ 18
Byron Hot Springs, description of.,....... 109-112 Cisco, iron spring near, description of........ 313
plate showing........................... 108 Clear Creek Hot Springs, description of...... 51
saline springs at, description of.......... 293 Clear Lake, carbonated springs near, descrip-
Bythinia Springs, description of........... 295,296 tion of..................... 180,193,196
Coast Ranges, description of................. 7-11
C. Coburn Soda Springs, description of....... 241-242
Cabin Springs, description of................ 324 Coes Spring, description of................ 214-215
Cactus Mat Spring, description of........... 347 Cole Creek, carbonated springs on, description
Calaveras County, spring in................. 372 of............................... 186
Calcium, source of,in water................. 17 Colorado Desert, carbonated spring in, analy-
California, climatic and topographic extremes sis of............................ 248
in............................... 5-6 location of................................ 14
geologic map of.................... In pocket. Color in spring waters, source of............. 23-24
map of, showing locations of hot, carbon- Colusa County, list of springs in........... 372-373
ated, and sulphur springs.... In pocket. Colyear Springs, description of............... 266
topographic map of................. In pocket. Complexion Springs, description of........ 297-298
California Hot Springs, description of........ 49-50 Concentration of natural waters-............ 21-22
Calistoga Hot Springs, description of...... 108-109 Congress Spring (Napa County), description
Cameta Warm Spring, description of........ 77 of............................... 156
Campbell Hot Springs, cool springs at, de- Congress Springs (Santa Clara County), de-
scription of...................... 334 scription of.................... 212,213
description of.......................... 129-130 Console Spring, description of............... 352
Cantwell Soda Spring, description of........ 177 Contra Costa County, list of springs in...... 373
Canyon Creek, warm springs near, description Cook Spring (Humboldt County), description
of............................... 120 of............................... 261
Carberry store, sulphur spring near, descrip- Cooks Springs (Colusa County), description
tion of........................... 281 of............................. 204-205
Carbon dioxide, source of, in spring waters... 19-20 plate showing............................ 200
Carbon, sulphur spring near, description of.. 283 Corn Springs, description of................. 348
Carbonate deposit, plates showing......... 124,134 Corona Spring, description of.............. 351-352