Page 415 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 415

BftA    4   53-56    4    »0.
              Aqua  Rica  Springs.
               (Same  as  Agua  Cali-
               ente Springs.)
           20                                                               100    c3  114-118  d3    Do.
            7                                                               400     1   *55
               Little Sulphur Creek.
              Bleda  Hot  Springs.
               (Same  as Fetters Hot
              Fairmount Hot Springs.
               (Probably  same  as
               Hoods  Hot Springs.)
           19                                   2f miles northwest of Sonoma. ........  125  04  =1=100  (e)
              Geyser  Spa ' Springs.
               (Same)  as   Lytton
              Geysers, The.  (See The
            1                 O.  R.  Baldwin,  Cloverdale. 15 miles north of west of Cloverdale. ...  *600  ta  *100  *5  Bathing.   K
              Kawana Sulphur Spring.
               (Same as  Taylor  Sul-
               phur Spring.)                                                                                            £
            S                                   22 miles south of east of Cloverdale. . . .  1,900  tio  110-160  «
           1fi                                                              350     2   78,82    5
               Springs.                                                                                                 H
                                                                            275     2    56       i
              ^{ark   yVest   ^^ann                                         500     9   60-82   30
           17                                                              *300     2   *60     *5
           91                                   2 miles nortnwest of Sonoina ..........  100  cl  *80  <«)  Do.         *>
                                                9 miles south of west of Geyserville. . . .  300  3  120-135  15        >
              Sulphur springs-
           1 9                                                            * 1,000   2   *60     *2
                                                                           1,500    1   *60     *1    Do.
                                                                            600     1   *60      1    Do.
           10                                                               300     1    60      1
                                                                       1.400-1.500  t 24  / 68-205  *25
           in  W all  Ptr\rit1(y<:  H.C. Wall..................             175         49-63    3
              Warm springs
           16                                                               250     1    72     10
           14                                                               500    fl   *80    *50    Do.
               STANISLAUS  COUNTY.
              Sulphur springs
                                                                            125     1   *60     *1
            ?,  On Oresthnba Creek              15 miles southwest of Newman. .......  150  2  *60  *2  Do.
                   a Wmter.        6  Summer.       Wells.        <*  Also pumped.    Pumped.        / Boiling.
   410   411   412   413   414   415   416   417   418   419   420