Page 414 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 414

TABLE  1. Springs by counties Continued.                                Co
                                                                               Number  Temper-  Approxi-
          Map      Name.            Owner.              Location.       Elevation.  of       mate     Development or use,
          No.                                                                         ature.             1908-1910.
                                                                               springs.      5Tield.
              SISKIYOTT  COUNTY  COn.
                                                                                            Gallons  a
              Large cold springs  Con.                                   Feet.         o  p_  minute.
            6                 W. K. McClmtock, Bogus.. 9 miles northeast of Ager. ............  2,650  tl  47  1,400  Domestic;  irrigation.
           17                                                              3,600       45.49  12.000
           15                                                             * 7,000  tl   *45   *200
                 Mount Shasta.
           97                                                              3,050    1    45    100    Do.
           11                                                              2,900   1     55      1
                                                                                     f  o45,47  >   5
           IS                                                              3,100   3               Resort.
                                                                                     \  648,55
           23                                                              2,925    1    47      5  Drinking.
              Poison  Spring.  (Same
               as Oxone Spring.)
              Scott   Spring  (Same
               as  Oxone Spring.)
           99                                                              2,500  tl     49     *5  Resort;  bottled.
              Shovel  Creek  Springs.
               (Same  as  Kfamath
               Hot Springs.)
                                                                           2,950    1    65      8  Bottled.
           24                                   1J miles west of north of D jnsmuir... .  2,300  2  51  8  Drinking.
           26                                                              2,350    1    51      3i  Resort;  bottled.
              Vesper  Spring.  (Same
               as Cave Spring.)
           00                                                              3,050    4  45-48    15  Drinking.
                SOLANO  COUNTY.
                                                                            725     1    57      1  Bottled.
                              J. B. Frisbie. ...............                400     1    68     15  Resort;  bottled.
                SONOMA  COUNTY.
           1  Q                                                             125    «5  97-115  *10    Do.
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