Page 410 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 410
TABLIB 1. Springs by cozmto'es-7-Continued. CO
. ' 1 "' o
Number Temper- Approxi-
Map Name. Owner. Location. Elevation. of mate Development or use,
No. springs. ature. yield. 1908-1910.
Las Aguas Calientes.
(Same as Warner Hot jr. Gallons a
Springs.) Feet. minute.
10 *1,000 tl *55 *5 Domestic; roadside watering.
18 2,300 *55 *1 Roadside watering.
16 23 miles north of east of San Diego. .... 500 1 *55 *5 Bottled.
8 1,600 tl *55 *5 Roadside watering.
4 Warner Hot Springs .... 3,150 6 131-139 150 Resort.
Bitterwater Spring.
(Same as Sulphur
spring in Carrizo
5 Cameta Warm Spring. . . D. O. Mills, San Luis Obispo. 1,500 1 74 3 Bathing.
4 Huer Huero Springs..... E.H. Ashwood. ............ 13 and 15 miles southeast of Paso Robles 1,250,1,300 2 59,62 3 Camping resort.
10 20 miles northeast of Arroyo Grande... 1,700-1,800 tio 60 1 Unused.
9 Newsoms Arroyo Grande 250 98 15 Resort.
Warm Spring.
2 Paso Robles Hot Springs. In southwest portion of Paso Robles. . 725 al 105 * 1,700 Do.
1 Paso Robles Mud Bath 700 t3 55-118 *100 Bathing; bottled
7 15 miles southwest of San Luis Obispo. 300 2 72,95 17 Drinking; bathing.
11 Salt springs near Kessler 20 miles northeast of Arroyo Grande... 1,700-1,800 f6 *60 *1 Unused.
onyx marble quarry.
8 8 miles west of south of San Luis Obispo 35 ol 107 *50 Resort.
3 Santa Ysabel Springs. . . Santa Ysabel Hot Springs 775 2 94 150 Bathing; irrigation.
Land and Water Co.
12 Sulphur spring in Car- 2,400 1 62 3 Cattle watering.
rizo Plain.
Sycamore Springs.
(Same as San Luis
Hot Springs.)
6 Thompson Spring. ...... 30 miles north of west of McKittrick.. . 2,050 1 62 2 Do.