Where Our Ancestors Bought Phonographs and 78s I collect not just phonographs, 78s, and cylinders. I collect information, including dates for machine models being introduced, biographical facts about industry giants, addresses of manufacturers and major dealers. I learn all I can about the phonograph industry, especially as it evolved in Northern California. Knowing where people used to buy phonographs and recordings helps me imagine what it was like to walk into a shop long ago and make a purchase. Every phonograph has a history, and it began at the shop where it was sold for the first time. It was an exciting day when a family bought a phonograph fresh from the factory. Most phonographs were sold during the Christmas season. Summer months seemed good only for selling portables. Old newspapers and phonograph trade journals say everything we might want to know about the industry in the Bay Area decades ago. Ill share facts about where people made purchases. I know a shop name and address for most towns in Northern California, but my research stops at 1929.
San Francisco was first in the West to sell equipment. Peter Bacigalupi was
a prominent phonograph dealer in California from the mid- With friends loans, Bacigalupi started again at 1021-23 Golden Gate Ave. Two sons took on many responsibilities, and at this time the firm was Peter Bacigalupi & Sons. Original cylinder boxes bearing the name Bacigalupi are worth a lot of money even if they are empty. Actual brown wax cylinders made by Bacigalupi are rarer. Bacigalupi recorded artists on the business premises, including Billy Murray in 1897. Murray was later the nations most popular recording artist.
Lets skip a decade or two. The firm of Sherman, Clay & Co. became increasingly important to San Franciscians who loved Victor machines and records. The firm, founded in 1870, has always been associated with pianos but by the World War I era was also the Wests distributor for Victor products. The wholesale departments were in various locations, including the ninth floor of the store at Kearny and Sutter until a five-story building was erected at 536 Mission (at Ecker). It was finished in February 1924. By the mid-1920s, Sherman, Clay & Co. had stores everywhere in the West Oakland, Sacramento, San Jose, Fresno, Stockton, Santa Rosa, even tiny Watsonville. The only year in which the firm suffered an operating loss before the Depression was in 1906, the year of the quake and fire. In the teens and twenties, perhaps no one store carried products made by Victor, Columbia, Brunswick, and Edison. The bigger chains were agents for perhaps two or three companies. If in downtown San Francisco, most people thought of Wiley B. Allen for Brunswick items, Sherman & Clay for Victor, the Starr Piano Co. for Gennett. If one wanted records made for the race market, one could buy Okeh discs of blues artists at Walter S. Grays shop at 926 Midway Place. Odeon discs featuring great classical artists were also sold here. The Pathe Shop was operated by Charles H. Fyfe at 470 Sutter in 1921. Are descendants of Gray and Fyfe living in the Bay Area? The Emporium in the mid-20s offered perhaps the best selection of combination phonograph and radio consoles. The City of Paris also sold many. To buy a Sonora machine, one could visit the Magnavox Co., located at 616 Mission. It moved to 274 Brannan St. in 1924.
In downtown San Francisco, Wiley B. Allen was famous for elaborate window displays. When Al Jolson became a Brunswick artist in early 1924, the store set up a display showing the Pacific Ocean as well as the Golden Gate (no bridge, of course). This publicized the release of Jolies California, Here I Come. In 1924 the stores installed Audak record demonstrators. Customers often listened to records before making a purchase, and entire listening rooms were sometimes provided. Few stores had space for many listening rooms. Since the Audak was a machine with only an earphone as amplifier, many customers could sit at these demonstrators and listen to records without the store becoming cacophonous. Across the bay was the elegant Olin S. Grove Phonograph & Radio Shop in Oakland. Here one could buy Cheney talking machines. The stores lobby was so beautiful that a photograph of it appears in the April 15, 1924 issue of a phonograph trade journal, The Talking Machine World. Oakland was home to a large Victor record pressing plant, where discs were pressed for Western distribution. The first Oakland disc was pressed on May 6. Taken from a positive shipped to the plant, the disc featured Coon-Sanders Oriental Love Dreams. Artists that recorded at the Oakland plant include Art Landry, Kanes Hawaiians, and Horace Heidt, with Leroy Shields supervising most sessions. Labels indicate Oakland pressings with a tiny o above Nippers head. All other Victor discs were pressed in Camden, New Jersey. Thanks to the Oakland plant, California music lovers could buy new titles without the delay of shipment from the East. The plant was managed by George Hall. In Richmond, the most elegant store selling Victrolas was operated by Adolphe Winters. Located at Eleventh and McDonald, the building was called by a trade journal one of the finest in the State devoted to music retailing. Edison products were sold in every town. One could patronize the Garrett Owen Music Stores in Oakland and Berkeley; the Modesto Music Store; the Santa Rosa Furniture Co.; Petalumas Nielsen Furniture Co.; the Ellas Marx Music Co. in Sacramento as well as Marysville. In Sacramento, one could visit the John Breuner Co. (today known as Breuners) for Brunswick, Victor and Sonora products. One could buy Columbia products at the Redewill Piano Company in Turlock and at the Dietz Drug Store in Manteca. The only music dealer in Salinas was R.D. Logan. Marysville and Yuba City residents bought Victrolas and Columbia Grafonolas at Marysvilles Melody Merchants at 422 D Street. In Napa, one went to the Kohler & Chase Music Co. in the Empire Theatre Building for Sonora and Brunswick phonographs. I often wonder what buildings still stand and if music shops are in any today. Naturally I would enjoy hearing from descendants of those who ran Northern California music shops during the phonographs Golden Age. Tim Gracyk lives in the Sacramento area. He collects Victrolas, cylinders, and 78s. If you have questions, write or e-mail Tim Gracyk at 9180 Joy Lane, Granite Bay, California 95746-9682. Or call 916-784-1929.