Page 400 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 400

TABLE  1. Springs by counties Continued.                                05
                                                                               Number  Temper-  Approxi-
          Map      Name.            Owner.              Location.       Elevation.  of       mate    Development or use,
          No.                                                                         ature.             1908-1910.
                                                                               springs.      yield.
              LASSEN  COUNTY  COntd.                                                        Gallons a
                                                                         Feet.         0  p^  minute.
           1Q                                                              4,100         Sfi   525
              Large cold springs
           15                                                              4,800   1     45   9,000
           3                 Geo. Guthrie, Pittvilie ......                3,400   1     64    900
           12                                   81 miles east of Karlo. .................  4,150  tl  *70  *100
           9  Sellicks Springs .........  A. W. Sellick, Secret........  1J miles northwest of Karlo Station. . .   4,100   tl   72   1,050   Irrigation.
           16  Shafler Hot Springs  S. W. Ferguson, San Fran-  f  mile  southwest  of  Hot  Springs   3,975  3 a 160-204  250  Bathing.
                               cisco.            station.
           11                Mr. Ward...................                  *6,000  tl    *70   *100
           5                                                              *6,000   1    *70   *100
           2                                                               4,200   9  110-165  125    Do.
           10                                                              4,100  tl     70    onn    Do.
              LOS  ANGELES  COUNTY.
           13                                                               400   61    *70   (0
           11                                                               350   61    104    100
           8 Carbonated  springs  on            14 miles northwest of Los Angeles .....  750  2  84  5  Irrigation;  domestic.
               Encino ranch.
              Fulton Wells.  (Same as
               Santa Fe Springs.)
           2                                                               3 7fifi       KQ
           10  Radium Sulphur Spring. G. P. Gearing,  Colegrove.... In northwestern part of Los Angeles. .  300  61  *80   (0   Sanitarium;  bathing;  bot-
           12                                                                            70     10
           14                                                               150   63    *70  («)
                                                 Station.                                           and bottled).
              Sulphur springs
           5    At  mouth  of  Bell  Mr.  Bell...... ...............        950    1     70    *1
               1   Canyon.
           3                                                              *2,000   1    *60    *1
           7    Near Carberry store .                                      1,000   1     70     1
           4                                                               1,100   1     70     8
           9                                                              * 1,200  1    *70    *1
            6   South  of  Bell  Can-                                      1,000   1     70    *1
            1  Warm springs in Eliza-  Santa Barbara National For-  13 miles east of north of Castac Station.  2,100  tl  *100  *5  Unused.
               beth Lake Canyon.  est.
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