Page 377 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 377
Crystal Spring is on the grounds of the St. Helena Sanitarium,
which is in the hills on the eastern side of Napa Valley, 3 miles north
of St. Helena. The water issues in a small adit on the hillside 100
yards southeast of the hotel and forms a part of the domestic supply.
Its flow varies somewhat with the season, and in the summer of
1909 it was said to have decreased to nearly one-half its former flow
of 12,000 gallons a day. The normal summer flow is said to be about
10,000 gallons a day (7 gallons a minute). The following partial
analysis shows that the water is but slightly mineralized and is
essentially secondary alkaline in character.
Partial analysis of water from Crystal Spring, Napa County, Cal.
[Analyst, E. W. Hilgard. Authority, owner of spring. Constituents are in parts per million.]
Properties of reaction:
Primary salinity ................................................................ 12
Secondary salinity. ............................................................. 0
Tertiary salinity. . .............................................................. 0
Primary alkalinity. ............................................................. 7
Tertiary alkalinity .............................................................. ( 0
By Reacting
weight. values.
Sodium (Na) ........................................................................ 12 .53
Potassium (K). . ........................... '. ........................................ Small.
Calcium (Ca). .......................................................................
} « 2.33
Sulphate (SO<)...................................................................... 12 .26
Chloride (Cl)........................................................................ 2.5 - .07
Carbonate ( COS) .-. .............................. ^. .....:....................... ... 76 2.53
Silica (SiO2).. ....................................................................... Small.
The water issues from lava which is similar to the material at the
springs of the Yountville Veterans' Home.
Other smaller springs on the higher slopes also furnish part of the
water supply of the sanitarium. A similar spring that issues at the
Pacific College, a few miles to the northeast, is reported to yield
216,000 gallons a day (150 gallons a minute).
In the mountainous portions of southern Lake County there are a
few cool perennial springs, several of which have been improved for
domestic and garden supplies. Gifford Springs are about 10 miles by
road northwest of Middletown and 1J miles east of the stage road, on
a small mountain ranch. Several years prior to 1910 the property
was opened to the public as a mountain resort. The water issues at
several points from lava slopes near a small creek which derives its
supply mainly from springs beside its channel. Two small springs