Page 370 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 370

850                 SPRINGS  OF  CALIFOEIsriA.
                           LA  MESA  SPRING  (SAN  DIEGO  14).
              La Mesa Spring is beside a small drainage swale half a mile south-
            east of La Mesa railroad station, or  11  miles by railroad northeast of
            San  Diego.  It was  formerly  known  as  Indian  Spring,  as  it  was  a
            favorite camping place for a few families  of Mission Indians.  A few
            years ago the spring was inclosed  by a small building, and a bottling
            house was erected, but when the spring was visited in the summer of
            1908  the water had not  been  placed  on  the market.  A  faucet  near
            the house  enabled  campers  and local residents  to  obtain  the  water.
            It is  slightly alkaline and has a faint odor of hydrogen sulphide.  At
           the spring the granitic rock is much  decomposed,  and the bed of the
           swale is covered with dark-colored alluvial soil.

                          EL  GRANITO  SPRING  (SAN  DIEGO  13).
              El Granito Spring is at the base of the granitic slopes at the southern
           border of El Cajon Valley, 16 miles by railroad northeast of San Diego.
           The water issues in  a small tunnel in decomposed granite at the side
           of  a ravine and is piped  about 50  yards to  a bottling house.  It has
           been on the local market for several years as a table water.  The fol-
           lowing  analysis  indicates  that  the  water  is  primary saline  and  sec-
           ondary alkaline in character  and  also has notable primary alkalinity.
                   Analysis of water from El Granito Spring, San Diego  County,  Cal.
             [Analyst,  Joseph  Luce.  Authority,  advertising matter.  Constituents  are in parts per million.]
                                                                  17° C.  (62°  F.)
           Properties of reaction:
                                                                 By  Reacting
                                 Constituents.                 weight.  values.
                                                                 138    5.98
                                                                «190    4.87
                                                                  4.8    .24
                                                                 58     4.80
                                                                Trace.   Trace.
                                                                  5.4    .54
           Sulphate ( SO4) ......................................................................  383   7.98
           Chloride (Cl) ..................*....................................................  26   .72
                                                                 208    6.95
           snica(SiOs). ........................................................................  16  .53
                                                                 38     1.73
                  »  Probably too high, since as reported it is considerably  in excess of the sodium.

                           BRADLEY  SPRING  (SAN  DIEGO  7).
             Bradley Spring is 6 road northward from the railroad ter-
           minus at Foster  station, or  30  miles  northeast  of  San  Diego.  The
           water  issues  at  the  base  of  a  granitic  bowlder  in  a  steep  brushy
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