June 2, 1909
To Captains of Companies,
San Franciso Fire Department
You are hereby ordered to instruct your drivers and acting-drivers, that, when
responding to an alarm of fire, in going to which they will meet heavy grades, they shall
save their horses as much as possible, so that the horses will not be exhausted before
reaching the grade. You shall also warn your drivers against the brutal and unnecessary use
of whips under these or any other conditions. A whip should be used, with judgment, only
when a horse is lazy or refuses to pull, but under no circumstances on an exhausted horse.
Drivers should be competent to judge whether their teams can make a grade or not, and
after trying if they find the teams cannot do it, then immediate use should be made of the
lead bars and teams double up.
By Order,
Chief of Department
See History Index for more about the
San Francisco Fire Department.
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