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San Francisco – War City
"Make a Service Man Happy"

1942 advertisement for U.S. defense stampsThis is the slogan of the San Francisco League for Service Men, which has as co-chairmen, those indefatigable workers, Mrs. Alma Spreckels Awl and Mrs. Prentis Cobb Hale. Through the league's efforts various groups have been enlisted to help provide comfort and recreation facilities for the thousands of soldiers, sailors, and marines who are streaming through this point of embarkation. San Francisco labor is co-operating in this work; the Home Furnishing industry has asked all its members to contribute furniture, floor covers, etc., penny bowls in charge of Mrs. Ira Kahn and Mrs. Edward Haas have been placed in all hotels, restaurants, and other convenient places for coin-depositing; the Apartment House Association has appointed a committee to help the League collect books, magazines, and other items in demand.

Gifts most appreciated for distribution to individuals are books, magazines, candy, cookies, stationery, postcards, pencils, note books, playing cards, games, puzzles, sweaters, scarves, mittens, soap, shaving soap, combs, nail files, mirrors and wallets.

For use in headquarters: radios, pianos, and other musical instruments, phonographs, hurricane lamps, coal oil stoves, and athletic equipment are welcome, and the League has received enthusiastic letters of thanks for such gifts as a washing machine and a barber chair. Cash is, as always, everywhere, the perfect gift.

"Joe" Won't Let His Tires Deteriorate in the Garage

The California State Chamber of Commerce has written the saga of "Joe Methodical," an imaginary but brainy car owner who sat down and made a "budget" of the tire mileage he could "spend." By using his legs for errands, and street cars for getting to work, by limiting the family marketing to one automobile trip a week, and by various other simple methods, he managed to make his mileage budget cover numerous week end trips.

Although such popular events as the Salinas Rodeo and the California State Fair will not be held this year, due to military restrictions against mass gatherings, the following events will provide incentive for short trips away from town:

SPRING FLOWER SHOW, Sacramento, Apr. 11-12.


HORSE SHOW, Sacramento, Apr. 25-16.

Mars Does Apollo Stint

Poetry, as well as military tactics, engages the attention of at least one member of Uncle Sam's armed forces, and Sergeant Jack W. Armstrong, U.S. Army, has originated this:

If you've news of our position

Plans or troops or our munitions

Lives are lost through conversation
So here's a tip for the duration
If you've private information

Call the Junk Man ... or a Charity

You'll have to do either, to co-operate with Uncle Sam, who needs your old paper, rags, rubber, and other discarded material for war production. Information will so be given on just what items have a "junk value," and you should gather up any of them you have around and get them into "Salvage for Victory" channels by calling your nearest junk dealer, or giving them to the St. Vincent de Paul Society, the Disabled Veterans, Volunteers of America, Salvation Army, or Goodwill Industries.

But Blossoms are Not Canceled

Although military considerations made it necessary to cancel the annual spring blossom festival at Saratoga, and eliminate the program of dancing and other entertainment scheduled, the beauty of the blossoms themselves is still to be enjoyed, and motorists are welcome to drive through the fruit regions and admire the colorful spectacle. Only mass travel is discouraged. The blossoms in their full glory are found especially in the Santa Clara Valley.

San Francisco Life
April 1942

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