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HEALDSBURG, Cal., May 5. — The earthquake of April 18th inflicted considerable damage upon the business section of this city.

The large brick structures suffered the most, the new Odd Fellows’ building which had been completed only about three months ago at the cost of almost $30,000, collapsed, as did several other buildings. The total damage is approximately $100,000. There were not fatalities and only a few were slightly injured by falling bricks.

The Odd Fellows’ lodge intends commencing the reconstruction of their wrecked new quarters as soon as contracts can be let.

Many rumors have been circulated concerning the Geysers, but Mr. Curray, the manager of the resort, says that instead of drying up, the springs were made more active and that six new springs had started from the earth near his place.

Many fine homes in this vicinity were damaged to a considerable extent, the home of M.V. Frost being entirely ruined, although fortunately no one was injured.

The larger bridge, which is suspended over the Russian river, in Alexander Valley, which was about a quarter of a mile long, was wrecked.

Windsor, seven miles south of here, suffered considerably from the earthquake, many of its finest new buildings being entirely destroyed. The Masonic building, which was being constructed of stone and brick, was reduced to debris.

Sebastopol, Sonoma county’s thriving little town, which was just recovering from its last big fire, again fared badly and is once more a pile of ruins, especially in the business section. The damage inflicted is placed at about $250,000.

San Francisco Chronicle
May 6, 1906
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