Continued influx of thousands of indigents from the Middle West into various California counties, adding to increasing relief burdens, has resulted in the calling of a State wide conference at Los Angeles to be held during the week of July 19.
Los Angeles county is the
most seriously hit of all the counties of the State. According to Supervisor
McDonough, 19.26 per cent of Los Angeles countys estimated population
of 2,366,904 is on relief. The Los Angeles Supervisors, through County
Charities Superintendent Rex Thomson and Supervisor John Anson Ford, both
That approximately 70,000 persons, mostly families from the dust bowl areas, are overtaxing relief and health agencies in the San Joaquin valley was reported by Harold H. Robertson, field secretary of the Gospel Army, a national social and relief body, has reported to the Supervisors. This report has hastened the calling of the relief conference, Supervisor McDonough announced.
The Los Angeles county Supervisors
are sponsoring a plan to give county jobs to county residents and demand
that the State and Federal governments care for indigent persons coming
in from other States. In Los Angeles county, it is asserted, the relief
costs have jumped from 92 cents per capita in 1925 to $44.52 in 1936, or
$87.51 per taxpayer. The per capita cost for this year will be greatly
increased by the horde of newcomers unless it is halted, authorities said.
See: War
Hits the Farm Lands, by John G. Brucato. |