Japanese in San Francisco, Alameda and Contra Costa Counties areas listed several days ago for evacuation will be registered tomorrow and Sunday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., and given instructions governing their removal next week to assembly centers. San Francisco Japanese living in the area bounded by Sutter and California-sts and Presidio and Van Ness-avs will be registered at 2031 Bush-st. East Bay Japanese will report to 2345 Channing-way, Berkeley. Each Japanese living alone must appear in person, but families may be registered by a responsible member. The Bay Area evacuees will be escorted or taken to the new Tanforan assembly center not later than next Friday noon, with the first groups arriving Tuesday. They will be housed there until resettlement areas farther inland are ready for them. The second of the inland areas, announced yesterday, will be near Eden, Idaho, and will accomodate 10,000 Japanese. Work already is under way on the first settlement, in the Gila River Valley, 50 miles southeast of Phoenix, Ariz. In addition to the local evacuation, all of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties and large sections of other coastal counties will be cleared of Japanese next week. The San Francisco News April 24, 1942 |