FOR EVACUATION TO TANFORAN CAMP Totals in San Francisco and Parts of East Bay Run Higher Than Expected; Clergymen Sign Plea for After-the-War Understanding Last-minute preparations were being made today by San Francisco Japanese, who tomorrow move to the Tanforan Assembly Center, the first to be taken there. More will go there Thursday and Friday, preparatory to being transferred inland. Registration of Japanese in San Francisco and portions of Contra Costa and Alameda Counties was completed yesterday, 1923 registered here and 1187 in the East Bay. The total registered in both cases represented more than the estimates. Incomplete total for the eight coastal areas was announced at 12,028, also above the number expected. Today and tomorrow will see registration of Japanese in Solano County and in portions of Contra Costa, San Joaquin and Alameda Counties. Further orders for the registration of the remaining Japanese in San Francisco are expected from Army headquarters within the next few days.
A pledge to aid citizens of Japanese ancestry when they once again resume their normal lives was forwarded to Japanese clergymen of San Francisco and the Japanese-
In part, the pledge said: