One of the many tributes in San Francisco to the workmanship of John McLaren, Superintendent of Golden Gate Park, is the remarkable improvement of the landscaping along the Great Highway. It will be remembered that a few years ago this now beautiful parkway was an area of waste and sandunes. Now however, by means of expert landscape gardening and modern high grade materials, this highway is known as one of the world's most scenic drives. In use along the Great Highway serving to keep its present beauty is a sprinkling system said to be the largest in the world, it being five and one half miles in length (30,000 ft.). The sprinkling system is operated in 150-feet sections by seperate valves with spray nozzles every two feet, throwing water forty-five feet on the main parkway an twenty-five feet on the lawns. The sprinkler system was installed by the Pacific Irrigation and Sprinkler Company and the pipe was furnished by the C.G. Clausen Company. The Municipal Record August 1930