The only woman sporting writer or editor on the Pacific Coast, possibly in the world, is employed by Charlie Shortridge on the staff of his San Jose Morning Times. Senator Shortridge has always believed in two things—in being different from everybody else and in ‘sporty” women. Miss Belle Fitzhugh is the sporting editor of the Times. She is small and vivacious, but nonetheless advanced in her ideas; unconventional and unafraid. Her knowledge of sporting affairs may not be as universal as it ought to be and should be in the case of a male sorting editor, but the unorthodox Shortridge doesn’t care a snap about such trivialities. She is a woman; she is doing what no other woman does in the “only fearless paper in California”; she is Charlie Shortridge’s sporting editor, and that is a title to covet in itself. Though Miss Fitzhugh has not yet advanced far beyond her teens she has a little history. She married some years ago a Mr. Boyle, a circus promoter, after a few days’ acquaintanceship they traveled a good deal and after a while in different directions. Finally Miss Fitzhugh went to Nevada and in this convenient country she obtained a divorce. That she was a divorcee was no bar to her appointment on the Morning Times. Nor would it be worth consideration whether she knew the difference between ping pong and horse racing. These were peccadilloes in a Shortridgean viewpoint. Miss Fitzhugh as a sister as charming as herself, who is developing her voice in sunny Italy. The Wasp September 28, 1907 |