PRIVATE THOMAS W. TAYLOR of Company H, Twenty-fourth Regiment, U.S.A., is now on duty at Fort Alcatraz.
Three continentsAfrica, Europe and Americahave furnished the scenes in which conquest and ambition, love and patriotism play prominent parts. It is the history of a silent and deep struggle to regain a lost kingdom; a Prince of royal blood sought self- It abounds with pathos and superstition and is a striking picture of unusual ambition. The royal folk who compose this tale are the children of Jerger, King of the Zulus, and the heir apparent to this powerless throne is Prince Jerger Okokudek, who one year ago as Private Taylor enlisted in the American army.
He forced his way through the superstitious boundaries of Kafirland, won medals from Cambridge University and finally, joined the gallant
Twenty- That Prince Jerger became an American soldier is but the sequel of what the British invasion of the Kafir interior made possible over a score of years ago.
Back of this there is yet another story. In the years gone, when Great Britain penetrated beyond their frontier to Zululand, she found a remarkable nation, organized entirely upon a military system and forming a great standing army. As for the natives, they received the wonderful strangers with true African hospitality and gave gold and diamonds, the best gifts of their store, to the white men from the north seas. And their unscientific charity cost them their kingdom. Not long after this the Hottentots and Zulus became engaged in war and England proved the powerful ally of the former. A number of sharp skirmishes ensued; the Zulu King was captured, his military system abolished, his territory divided into districts and his mines made amenable to the crown of England. Then concessions followed, the King was set free, pensioned and allowed to rule as potentate over the chiefs of his tribe.
It was the last clause of the treaty that affected the Zulu nation more than all else combined Consequently the ten royal Princesses and the and the Crown Prince of the house of Okokudek were sent to Cambridge University. It is considered something even for an ambitious mother to graduate one varsity daughter, but it is given to few Queens to graduate ten Princesses of blood royal into the profession of new women. Two of these ten daughters are practicing physicians in London. Four of them are gold miners in South Africa. Two are expert mathematicians, and two of them are seamstresses. These ten daughters of the King left Cambridge University to fight their battles with the civilized world, and one of the royal family remained within the old college walls, and that one was Prince Jerger. He remained to complete the university course, but destiny silently prepared him for another. The Prince loved the study of mathematics as he loved his own loyal, uncivilized people; but within a year of graduation he discovered another love. And this was his love for a woman. It was the steady growth of an affection that began upon the very first day of his entrance to the university.
Although the civilized world was a wonderland to him and inspired the keenest interest, still he pined for his home and half- That night Prince Jerger wandered into the college grounds with heart bowed down. The strange religion of the north did not appeal to him. Civilization oppressed him; he would seek consolation from the only God that his people could understand. And so, under the darkening shadows of the trees he prostrated himself upon the earth and offered up his prayer. The Christian God could not understand, but when did the Zulu gods ever fail to hear the far voice of their followers? His prayer was answered even before finished. Prince Jerger was so absorbed in his devotions that he did not hear a soft tread on the grass, nor was he aware that a young girl stood regarding him with pity, until her hand was on his shoulder. It was Miss Rosella Williams, fair and French, and the daughter of one of the university teachers. She interrupted his devotions by singing a chant in the Kafir tongue, a song that he had heard in the kraals of his far away home, and it came like a benediction. Sympathy has only one language the wide world over, and this is the way their courtship began. Like poor Othello, Jerger told her the story of his life, of his ambitions for his people of the battles he and lost, and she loved him for the dangers he had passed and he loved her that she did pity them. So their love grew apace. Together they made plans for the future welfare of his people, and then he boldly announced his intended marriage to the professors. The faculty said [to] him nay; the law of the university forbade the marriage of its students. The professors advised him to consider well. They argued that no man can pursue two idols with success, and that marriage would detract from his studies. But Cupid obeys no law save its own, and he was not to be vanquished. If they could not marry with the consent of the faculty they could marry without it, and they did. The ebony Prince and the fair Rosella were wed.
It was a marriage that strengthened his love for his people and concentrated his energies toward their upliftment. He began the study of civil and military tactics and to further his knowledge he came to America to discover the modern arts of war, and soon found that actual experience was the quickest school. So he enlisted in the Twenty- He joined the American army, but he kept this fact a secret from his people. It was better for them to think that he was quietly studying our laws of peace and war than to know that he was actually courting the dangers of the battlefield. The colored boys who led the brigade up the shuddering side of San Juan Hill are now stationed at Fort Alcatraz. Prince Jerger is one of their number. He is tall and carries himself with unconscious dignity. His manner is courtly, but has a diffident restraint, and he is careful of his dress and of his speech. His voice has a modulation that only sorrow can tone, and this is his unusual story.
Prince Jerger enlisted in the regular army for a term of three years. Rumors are now afloat of trouble in South Africa, and they have reached the Princes ear. He will remain in Uncle Sams service until the period of his enlistment expires, unless trouble arises or the King, his father, dies. In such an event he will leave this country at once, for Okokudek in English signifies Death leaves one" ANNABEL LEE San Francisco Call Sunday, July 2, 1899 |