platform adopted by the Union Labor party convention last night follows:
It stands for the peaceful advancement of the masses and for the betterment of their material, social and political conditions, and looks forward to fair And equal consideration and protection of capital and labor, employer and employee alike. Its motto is "Equal rights to all and special privileges to none." When the people of San Francisco at the last municipal election, manifested their confidence in the declarations of the Union Labor party and their faith in its professions by electing to the highest office of the municipality the Hon. Eugene E. Schmitz, the present mayor of our great city, their action was looked upon by some with misgivings, apprehension and fear, but we point with pride to the manly, conservative and just record of our chief executive whose personal integrity and ability are recognized and commended by the citizens of San Francisco, without regard to party affiliation, He has fulfilled every pledge made by him or by his party on his behalf. Though surrounded by many obstacles, he has endeavored to cut down extravagant and unnecessary salaries and to reduce the number of high-priced and fancy employees in the city administration, and to that end has twice vetoed appropriations of over $100,000 for those purposes, which vetoes, unfortunately, were not sustained by the Board of Supervisors. During his term of office all differences between labor and capital, employer and employee, have been adjusted satisfactorily to both sides, and without violence and bloodshed. He has proved himself capable, honest and fair in all his dealings toward all classes of our citizens, and we cordially and emphatically endorse his administration. We pledge all our nominees to an economical and businesslike administration of the city's affairs. We favor the expenditure of more of the money raised by taxation for permanent public improvements and for the repair and improvement of our streets, and the expenditure of less money for extravagant salaries or ornamental and unnecessary employees. We pledge them, also to liberal and fair treatment of our public schools and favor the erection of new school buildings and better school accommodations for the children of our city. We commend and endorse the present system of appointment of teachers to the School Department of this city, by competitive examination among the holders of certificates and the appointment of those who successfully pass the examinations in the order of their standing in such examinations. We believe the best interests of education require that the School Department be entirely divorced from politics and that advancement depend upon merit alone, to the exclusion of political and personal favoritism, and we pledge our nominees to carry out these principles. Furthermore, we recommend that all Asiatics, both Chinese and Japanese should be educated separately from the other children in schools exclusively for themselves. We favor the acquisition and public ownership of all public utilities and means of communications, such as public buildings, street railways, gas, electric light, water, telephone and telegraphs. We regard the acquisition of a public water supply and the operation of the municipality of the Geary-street railway as of primary and special importance. In the event of their acquisition we pledge our nominees to a progressive and economical operation thereof. We favor also the municipal ownership and operation of a complete telephone system. We favor the immediate construction of a new City and County Hospital. The sick wards of the city should be housed in better quarters and surrounded by better conditions than exist in the present ramshackle structures. We demand that all supplies for the public institution's of this city and county bear the Union label where such can be provided and that goods of home manufacture shall in call cases be given preference. We demand the rigid enforcement of the laws calling for licensed engineers and firemen to be in charge of steam boilers and engines operated in the city and county of San Francisco, to the end that life and property be not endangered by reckless or incompetent operation of such plants. We pledge our nominees for Mayor and for Supervisors that all work done for the municipality shall be done by the day and not by contract, thereby securing for the city the best services at the least expense. We recommend the rigid enforcement of the eight-hour law as to all work performed for this municipality. We demand that the street-sweeping apparatus of this city be owned and operated by the municipality. We recognize that a necessity exists for a fund to carry on permanent improvements, such as repairing and repaving streets, reconstructing and extending sewers, erecting new schoolhouses when necessary and other public work that will be of benefit to the city at large and will give employment to labor. We therefore pledge our candidate for Mayor and our nominees for the Board of Supervisors to reserve a fund when making up the annual budget of at least 10 cents on each dollar raised by taxation the same to be used for permanent improvements and to be designated as "municipal permanent improvement fund." We further pledge our nominees for Mayor and Supervisors to dismiss all unnecessary employees, so that a saving of at least $100,000 per annum can be effected and the money thus saved devoted to permanent improvements. We favor arbitration of all industrial disputes so far as the same may be just and practicable. We favor the peaceful settlement of all differences between employer and employee. We favor the Civil Service system of public appointments as provided in our charter. The Police and Fire Departments shall be administered and conducted strictly in accordance with the law, insuring all same protection to all. We favor the absolute exclusion of all Asiatics -- Japanese as well as Chinese -- and pledge our nominees, if elected to use their influence and their best efforts to secure such results. Believing that the poll tax system now in existence unjustly discriminates against the poor man inasmuch as he pays a larger percentage in proportion to his means and income than does his wealthy neighbor, we favor the abolition of this unequal tax. We favor absolute home rule for the city and County of San Francisco and pledge our nominees and our party to work to that end. The interference by the Legislature with the internal affairs of San Francisco, notwithstanding the charter, is costing our city much money, and is encroaching upon her rights of self-government. We favor a constitutional amendment which shall make it impossible for State Boards of Equalization arbitrarily to raise the assessment of this city, already over-assessed, especially as regards its smaller property holders. We also favor such charges in the laws as will place the water front of San Francisco under the control of the municipal government, so that the Administration of the water front may be conducted more with a view to the commercial advancement and prosperity of the city than as an asylum for the political refugees of the State who are strangers to San Francisco, not interested in its welfare and ignorant of its needs. We deplore the interference by the courts in the executive affairs of the city and abuse of the write of injunction to restrain the action of public officials honestly attempting to do their whole duty by the people, and by such injunction enabling incompetent or dishonest men to hold themselves in public position in defiance of the acts of their executive superiors and the will of the people. Surrounded by unsympathetic Commissioners left over by the preceding administration, confronted with an antagonistic Board of Supervisors, and prevented by injunctions of Courts from removing municipal officials for misconduct in office, it is remarkable how much our Mayor Eugene E. Schmitz has in his brief term been able to accomplish, single-handed and alone. For nearly two years, the newspapers have had naught but praise for his official conduct; now, on account of various influences, political with some, financial with others, these very newspaper are not giving him the support which he has deservedly earned by his upright, honorable and faithful record in office. We therefore present herewith a few of his more important acts, to recall to mind his just claims for your present support: Mayor Schmitz went into office January 8th, 1902. On
JANUARY 22nd, 1902, he began proceedings to remove County Clerk Mahony
for misconduct.
On JANUARY 23rd, 1902 he removed Clerk of Justices' Court for neglect of duty, daily attendance at races etc. and appointed in his place as Clerk, Powel Frederick, our present nominee for County Clerk. After a few weeks of honorable administration by Mr. Frederick, JUDGE SLOSS decided that Mayor had no power of removal or appointment, and the Justices and Board of Supervisors removed Frederick. On MARCH 26th, 1902, Mayor removed Board of Health for circulating baseless reports of the widespread existence of epidemic Bubonic plague in San Francisco, almost causing a quarantine against the City and State, and for other reasons stated by him at the time (Another injunction by JUDGE SLOSS, and the Bubonic Board, still in office). ON JUNE 19th, 1902, the Mayor vetoed $134,700.00 being mainly for salaries of useless unnecessary and fancy employees appointed to the City's service by the Phelan-Lane-McNab regime (Veto overruled by Board of Supervisors). IN JUNE 1903, the, Mayor vetoed $140,000.00 appropriated mainly for same purposes. Veto again overruled by Board of Supervisors who thereafter notwithstanding their overruling of Mayor's veto, reopening the error, recommended to the Board of Works and to the Board of Health to reduce the salaries of their employees). ON JUNE 27th, 1902, Mayor forced reduction of 50 per cent over charges in bills presented to Election Commissions. ON JANUARY 27th, 1902, Mayor sent to Fire Commissioners written notice that under his administration there must be no discrimination, in municipal employment based on CREED, RELIGION, CLASS OR COLOR. ON JANUARY 28th, 1902, Mayor arranged for reclassification of schools to prevent overcrowding especially in districts principally inhabited by the workingclasses. Also recommended strongly the new system of appointment of teachers after competitive examination and outside of political influence or personal favoritism. During his administration, and because of his absolutely fair treatment, the department is in a more satisfactory and in a more satisfied condition, than ever before in its history, More improvements have been made in schools and school-buildings than in any ten years before. The Mayor has proven himself a friend indeed of the Public School Department, the institution dearest to the hearts of the American people. On April 2lst, 1902, Mayor refused to place police or armed men on cars, After many conferences between Mayor, carmen and company settlement agreed upon. Strike declared off and all street car traffic resumed, Greatest and most peaceful strike settled through Mayor's intercession in a manner evoking the approval of the entire community. MAYOR also acts as mediator in many other labor difficulties to the complete satisfaction of both sides to controversy, notably Shoe Fitters', Cooks and Waiters, Delivery wagon drivers, Milkwagon drivers, Glovemakers, etc., etc. All settled without disturbance or violence, and with full and unanimous agreement of employer and employee. It is the way labor troubles are handled which makes for the peace and advantage of the community, employer and employee alike. FEBRUARY 9th, MAYOR delivers strong speech in favor of Chinese Exclusion. MAYOR-SCHMITZ secured the eight hour Watch for Police Department and one day off in ten for every fireman. A
hundred other acts might be cited. Let these however suffice for their
See San Francisco History Index for more on the San Francisco labor movement. |