San Francisco Fire Department SAN FRANCISCO began its history in a baptism of fires. Hardly had the Gold Rush of 49 assembled a nondescript collection of wooden houses, tents, the hulks of ships, anything, in fact, to afford protection to the ever-increasing multitudes gathering from the four corners of the earth, but a disastrous fire wiped out the most important part of the new city. Six fires in the first two or three years of her history caused the people to make extraordinary efforts to protect themselves against their recurrence. It was from this determination that the present efficient fire-fighting force sprang. Yet fires continue and will continue, as they did in those early days, and the price of eternal vigilance and preventive methods are the two chief auxiliaries at least of equal importance to force itself. New and better buildings; more precautions taken concerning the use of fire; the widening of streets; the purchase of fire apparatus, and finally the impressment of all citizen to fight a blaze and the organization of fire companies were among the earlier steps taken. Later on cisterns were built at strategical points. But the ever-increasing size of buildings seemed to outstrip efforts made against fires. The larger and higher the buildings went, the greater efficiency demanded in every branch of the fire-fighting service. Today standpipes carry the water to the very top of the highest structures in the city. To say nothing of sprinkler devices and the construction of reinforced concrete buildings supposed to be fireproof. Yet at a recent fire in the Merchants Exchange building, on the very site of those earlier fires of seventy-five years ago, it was demonstrated even these are vulnerable. The first fire of any importance occurred in January, 1849, when the Shades Hotel was destroyed. In June following the ship Philadelphia was burned as it was preparing to sail for the Sandwich Islands. The inflammable material of which the town was built and winds made many thoughtful people realize that if a fire ever got started nothing could stop it.
It was not until December
24, 1849, however, that this fear was realized. The following account of
this is found in the Annals of San Francisco:
The fire began in Dennisons Exchange, about the middle of the eastern side of the Plaza, and, spreading both ways, consumed nearly all that side of the square, and the whole line of buildings on the south side of Washington street between Montgomery and Kearny streets.
This was the first
of the great fires which devastated San Francisco, and it was to be speedily
followed by still more extensive and disastrous occurrences of a similar
character. Scarcely were the ashes cold when preparations were made to
erect new buildings on the old sites, and within a few weeks the place
was covered as densely as before with houses of every kind.
As the result of the fire
a special meeting of the Town Council was held it which were present Messrs.
Steuart, Price, Ellis, Harris, Green, Brannan, Turk, Davis, Simmons and
Harrison with John W. Geary presiding, and the following resolutions were
Resolved, that the citizens be requested to meet in Portsmouth Square, on Wednesday next at 12 oclock, to take such measures as may be deemed advisable protect the town against another calamity by organizing fire companies, and that the Town Council will supply the hooks, ladders, axes, ropes, etc., to be kept by said companies. Other resolutions were passed authorizing the Chief of Police to employ a sufficient number of men to guard the burned district and protect the property of the sufferers; also one authorizing the Alcalde to send to the hospital and afford immediate aid with proper medical service to those individuals who, in their praiseworthy exertions during the recent fire, have received bodily injury. In this final clause was the germ of the departments pension system. Two days later the Town Council appropriated the sum of $800 for the purchase of axes, ropes, hooks, ladders and a wagon to be given over to the keeping of the fire company now organizing by Mr. Edward Otis, styled the Independent Unpaid Axe Company. Two months later action was taken for the general organization of a fire department. The following ordinance was passed by the Town Council of February 5, 1850: Be it ordained, that hereafter it shall be the duty of the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department to superintend the organization of all fire companies in San Francisco; also to examine all engines, hose and apparatus belonging thereto which the city may wish to purchase; to superintend the erection of engine houses and cisterns; to exercise a general supervision and control over all branches of the Fire Department of this city; to act in conjunction with the Fire Committee, on all subjects which may be referred to the them; and to protect the engines and apparatus of the city which shall be placed in the houses of private companies. It may be of interest to note that this $6,000 a year salary was increased on July 1 of this year to $7,200. Early Fires Terrified Populace The first of the great fires that visited San Francisco occurred at 6 oclock on the morning of December 24, 1849, when it was estimated that $1,000,000 worth of property was destroyed.
It was supposed to have been of incendiary origin. Several persons were arrested, but no formal trial took place. An ordinance was passed immediately after this fire that any person who refused to assist in extinguishing the flames or to assist in removing goods should be fined no less than $5 nor more than $100. Another ordinance provided that every household should keep six water buckets always in readiness for future fires. One month later, on June 14, the third great fire started. It broke out at 8 oclock in the morning for a defective chimney in a bakery. The wind was blowing and in a few hours the blocks between Clay, California and Kearny streets to the water were one more in flames. Experience had taught the people that although that the cost of fireproof brick structures was much greater than the cost of the old wooden ones, yet in the end they were cheaper and better, The style of architecture began to change for the better. More and more fire companies began to be formed.
On October 31 of the same year the City Hospital was destroyed. It was supposed to have been the work of in incendiary. On the evening of December 14, 1850, just a year from the first great fire, the fifth great fire, not considering one or two smaller ones, started. The total damage estimated at $1,000,000. On May 4, 1851, the anniversary of the Citys second great fire, the sixth great fire started. It was estimated that more damage as done at this one than all of the preceding ones. For eight months the citizens had enjoyed comparative immunity. Then at about 11 oclock of May 3 a fire started in a paint and upholstery store on the south side of the Plaza. This again was considered to have been of incendiary origin. The wind was blowing and at first carried the fire down to Kearny, then along Kearny, for several blocks.
The fire burned for the period of ten hours. Between 1500 and 2000 houses had been destroyed. Eighteen blocks in the main business district had been destroyed. Only five of the brick buildings on Montgomery street escaped. The burned district extended about three-fourths of a mile from north to south and a third of a mile from east to west. The damage was estimated at $12,000,000. On June 22, 1851, hardly six months after the previous one, another fire started. Again incendiaries were believed to be the cause. It began about 11 oclock in the morning and the wind drove the flames in every direction. It began on Powell street an ten full blocks and six parts of blocks were destroyed. The City Hall, purchased for $150,000 and improved at great cost, was destroyed. And the loss was estimated at $3,000,000. The Jenny Lind Theatre, the property of Thomas Maguire, one of the most valuable buildings, was destroyed, which was the sixth time the owner had suffered by fire and lost everything. They began to build houses now of walls two and three feet in thickness of solid brick to try and make them fireproof. It is small wonder that the citizens, after these terrible disasters within the space of less than two years, began the formation of a fire department that it was believed would successfully cope with any blaze. How well that function has been performed the City itself can testify.
No city in the world was
ever thrown together in such haste as San Francisco. People congregated
by the thousands almost overnight, Her history is unique. Her early fires
were terrifying beyond measure.
A REALISTIC description of the great fire of May 4, 1851, is contained in Frank Marryats Mountain and Molehills. And because of its effect on people, the dangers they encountered and how it had its influence in efforts to make the department ever more efficient, it is quoted in full: On the 3d of May, at 11 oclock in the evening, the fire bell again startled us, but on this occasion the first glance at the lurid glare and heavy mass of smoke that rolled toward the bay evidenced the fact that the fire already had a firm grip on the city. Municipal Record City and County of San Francisco October 15, 1925 |