Dole Air Derby starts from Bay Farm Island, Oakland on August 16, 1927.
Douglas Daily Dispatch, Douglas Arizona
Tuesday, August 16, 1927
Miss Mildred Doran
Douglas Daily Dispatch, Douglas Arizona
Saturday, August 20, 1927
Miss Mildred Doran "the flying school teacher"
The Dole Derby was the first transoceanic airplane race in history with a prizes for the first and second places. This race was a 2,400-mile dash across half of the Pacific Ocean by a wide assortment of aviators, navigators and aviation enthusiasts
Miss Mildred Doran, Klint, Mich., school teacher, who wilt make the trip with John Augie Pedlar, the Flint entry. Several Army and Navy aviators also participated.
The following is a list of official and unofficial entries:
Arthur C. Goebel, Santa Monica. Calif.
Maj. Livingston Irving, Berkeley, Calif.
John Augie Pedler and Miss Mildred Doran, Flint, Mich.
F. A. Giles and Manley R. Lawing, Detroit
Charles W. Parkhurst, Lomax. 111.
Lieut. N. A. Goddard, U.S. X.
Lieut. K. C. Hawkins, San Diego, Calif.
Arthur V. Clark and Leiland A. Bryant, Los Angeles
John W. I Frost and Gordon Scott, San Francisco
Bennett Griffin and A1 Henley, Bartlesville, Okla.
Rolant Fowler, San Francisco;
Capt. J. L. Giftin and j Theodore Lundgren, Long Beach. Calif.
Capt. and Mrs. William P. Er-1 J win. Dallas, Tex.
VV. R. Garrett, Los Angeles, and George D. Co veil, San Diego, Calif.
Artin Jensen, Honolulu;
Robert Horsley, Sarasota, Fla.
Maj. Usborne, Vancouver, British Columhia
Navy Department Continues Further Search Hawaiian Waters
HONOLULU, Aug. 22. — The Navy Department has mapped out another area of Hawaiian Waters to be covered in search for the missing Dole prize flight planes, despite the fact that the Golden Eagle and Miss Doran, with five passengers aboard, are five days overdue here, and the Dallas Spirit which has not been heard from since Friday night. Searchers refuse to give up hope.
Those aboard the Golden Eagle are Pilot John Pedlar, of Detroit Mich., Navigator Lieut. Vilas R. Kuofre and Miss Mildred Doran, school teacher of Film, Mich., as a passenger.
Those aboard the Golden Eagle are Pilot lack Frost, of San Francisco, and Navigator Gordon Scott.
Those aboard the Dallas Spirit are Capt. William P. Erwin. Pilot, and A. H. Eichwaldt, Navigator. The Dallas Spirit left Oakland Friday afternoon over a
zigzag course in hopes of finding the missing planes. The last heard from this plane was when an "SOS" call was sent out late Friday night when the plane was W85 nautical miles off theCalifornia coast.
The aviation world has turned eyes westward with heavy hearts and today watches aircraft, naval vessels and merchant ships continuing Intensive search in trackless wastes of the Pacific Ocean for the missing fliers.
Efforts of 58 naval vessels aided by merchant craft, steering courses along the 2,400 miles and the great circle between San Francisco and Honolulu,
after a five day search, failed to reveal any trace of three missing planes.
Source - The Daily Alaska Empire, Juneau, Alaska, August 22, 1927
Pan-American China Clipper HONORS DOLE RACERS
Wreath Is dropped on Ocean Between San Francisco and Hawaii
for Six Men and One Woman Who Perished in Flights that ended tragically in 1927.
By Jack Parker.
TEN years ago this month America reached eagerly for newspaper extras over a period of several days to read about the latest catastrophes on the first and last San Francisco to Honolulu airplane race. in which seven ships
and 10 lives were lost competing for a first prize of $25,000 and a second
Prize of $10,000 offered by James D. Dole, pineapple king of Hawaii.
A news item of a few days ago chronicled the fact in a tiny paragraph
that the Pan-American China Clipper ship, flying its regular run between
California and China, dropped a wreath into the sea between San Francisco and Hawaii in memory of the lost airplanes in the ill-fated race
of 1927.
Although one is not informed what spot the navigators of the clipper
Selected for this commemorative service, not having the smallest clue about where any of the Dole ships went down, the fact, that they aid speaks eloquently of the achievements of a brief decade of aviation. Persons fly across the Pacific with their wives and children now. Dressing for dinner on remote islands, but 10 years ago airplanes and navigation were different, as the story of the ill fated Dole flight Shows.
Source - The Sunday Star, Washington, D.C., August 15, 1937