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1849 California Gold Rush
History of the San Francisco Fire Department
Great Earthquake and Fire of 1906
“Who Perished” List of Dead from the 1906 Earthquake
1906 Earthquake Photographs
San Franciscans Survive Titanic Sinking
Construction of the Golden Gate and Bay Bridges
1989 San Francisco Earthquake
San Francisco’s Response to the Oakland Firestorm
Chronology of San Francisco World War II Events
Chronology of San Francisco Rock 1965-1969
V 134.21
Front of a double-sided handout from 1958. The back-side is below.
V 134.21.2
First of 200 New Signs
Lona Crawford (top) and Kari Sandino help Ross Shoaf, city traffic engineer, install the first of 200
new signs marking the 49-Mile drive through San Francisco’s most scenic spots. Sign handed to Shoafis
replaced by more imaginatively designed one.
Dated May 25, 1958