FROM APRIL 18th TO APRIL 20th CAPTAIN ENGINE CO. NO. 26 STATION 327 SECOND AVE. ![]() We next went to 17th Ave., and Clement Street where there were two houses on fire. One that stood in the center of a lot by itself had burned down; the other we put out with water from a well, by forming a bucket brigade. By the time we had returned to quarters we could see several large fires burning in every direction. As the alarm and telephone system was out of order there was no way of getting into communication with the chiefs or anyone at the head of the fire department. The Captain of our company sent a man in[to] town to find a chief and ask for orders; Chief Conlon was located at Golden Gate Ave. and Webster Street, where a large fire was burning and which was extinguished after destroying about twelve houses. Chief Conlon gave us orders to patrol our district and warn everybody not to light fires in their stoves, as all chimneys were down. After a short time the Chief sent word by messenger to report at once at 12th and Folsom streets. We canvassed that neighborhood from hydrant to hydrant in search of water, but without success. Chief Conlon instructed us to try all hydrants until we found water; consequently we tried all hydrants until we reached the water front at the foot of Howard Street. The only available water to be found was by drafting from the Bay off the Howard St. dock. We obtained fresh water for our boiler from an Italian bark that was lying at the dock. The captain of the bark put his men to work carrying water and assisted us all that day. From the engine we led our line up Howard Street into the large lumber yards at Spear Street; we worked in that vicinity all day, and helped to stop the fire from reaching the wharves. About 4 o'clock p.m. April 18th the fresh water gave out, and we then got fresh water from the Government fire tugs, as they were condensing water for their own use. At about 10 o'clock the first night the fire tug moved to the [Pacific] mail dock, where the fire was raging among the box factories and lumber yards. We followed around the water front until we met them [the fire tugs] again, and doubled up with their lines; running a stream up several blocks to meet the fire. We worked there all the night of April 18th, and had the fire under control for several blocks around the vicinity. On the morning of April 19th., we took up our lines and moved into the Mission district. We were able to obtain a small supply of water from a broken water main [probably at 17th and Howard streets] and by doubling it up with other lines fought the fire in the vicinity of 12th and 13th streets all day on April 19th., and up to the morning of April 20th. As the small supply of water to be obtained was being used by other companies, and finding that we could be of no further service, we left for our quarters in the Richmond district at 7 a.m. Friday April 20th. Our work along the water front was under supervision of Batt. Chief Wills, and while working in the Mission Batt. Chief Conlon directed our movements.
Lieutenant: M. Drury Return to 1906 Earthquake and Fire Report. |