World Leaders and Delegates at the United Nations Conference in San Francisco in 1945

President Harry S. Truman
Photo # 256638

President Harry S. Truman and Naval Aide.
Photo # 256804

Radio Round-table Discussion on International Bill of Rights. Georges Day (left), UN Radio Commentator (France); Mrs. Eleanor D. Roosevelt, Chairman, UN Commission on Human Rights (United States); and Professor René Cassin, Representative of France to the Commission, during a Radio roundtable discussion in French on International Bill of Rights beamed to France from Lake Success, New York.
June 16, 1947
United Nations (Lake Success), New York
Photo # 129526

V.M. Molotov, Peoples Commissar for Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the Delegation of the USSR, and members of the USSR Delegation, meet the press after Molotov's speech to the Soviet Union, celebrating the victory in Europe. May 8, 1945.
San Francisco, United States
Photo # 152438

The San Francisco Conference: Delegation of China
T.V. Soong, Minister for Foreign Affairs of China (centre), Acting President of the Executive Yuan and Chairman of the Chinese delegation, with delegation members. From left to right are: Shi Zhaoji, Hu Lin, Tung Pi-wu, V.K.W.Koo, T.V. Soong, Wang Chuhg-Hui, Wu Yi-Fang, Li Hwang, and Chamg Carson. [exact date unknown]
Photo # 499

Anthony Eden, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the Delegation from the United Kingdom, speaking at a Press Conference. [no date]
Photo # 192985

Georges Bidault, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chairman of the Delegation from France.
April 25, 1945
Photo # 84181

Portrait of Lt. Baca of the Delegation from Nicaragua. [no date]
25 April 1945
Photo # 167513

H.R.H. Faisal Ibn Abdul Aziz, Viceroy of the Hejas and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chairman of the Delegation of Saudi Arabia, and members of the delegation.
June 1, 1945
Photo # 160543

Dmitry Z. Manuilsky, Chairman of the Delegation from the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.
April 25, 1945
Photo # 84193

An Indian reporter at the Indian Press Conference held by Sir Firoz Khan Noon, Defense Member of the Governor General's Executive Council for India.
June 1, 1945
Photo # 151553

The Liaison Officers.
June 1, 1945
Photo # 200652

C. L. Simpson, Vice President of Liberia and Chairman of the Delegation, addresses the banquet given by the Society for the Advancement of Colored People honouring the Delegations of the Dominican Rep., Liberia, and Haiti on May 26, 1945
Photo # 235764

Mr. Hiller, inventor of the Helicopter, with French delegates at Kaiser Shipyards.
June 1, 1945
Photo # 152331

George Allen of the United States, Adviser to President Truman.
April 25, 1945
Photo # 178464

Delegate from Nicaragua.
April 25, 1945
Photo # 167516

Herbert Evatt (left) of Australia and Harold Stassen of the United States arguing a point after the session of Commission I, Committee II, on 15 June 1945.
June 15, 1945
Photo # 1279

Ezequiel Padilla, Chairman and members of the Delegation from Mexico, at the St. Francis Hotel.
April 25, 1945
Photo # 84226

Anthony Eden (United Kingdom), E.R. Stettinius Jr. (United States), V.M. Molotov (USSR) and T. V. Soong (China), left to right, meeting informally at Stettinius' apartment in the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco.
June 1, 1945
Photo # 155534